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Use ProcessWire's powerful permission system to control what your clients can edit.

Permission are only available to self-hosted installations. Cloud users can only assign user roles with predefined permissions (Guest, Editor, Designer).

When you install PAGEGRID it creates the user role "pagegrid-editor". Users with this role will only be able to use the inline editor to edit the content of unlocked items on your page. They will not be able to use any of the design features, but you can grant access to those if you want to.

Create a new user for your client or colleague

  • Go to "Access > Users > Add New".
  • Insert a name for your user and click save.
  • Set a password for this user.
  • Select the role "pagegrid-editor" (for Cloud users it's called "Editor") and click save (make sure the superuser role is unchecked).
  • Your client can now log into the backend with the name and password you created.

Enable/Disable Permissions

If you want to enable more features for your user go to "Access > Roles > pagegrid-editor". Permissions that start with page- applies to all editable templates. Templates with an asterisk (*) are configured for edit-related permissions to also inherit to children and through the page tree, unless/until overridden by a page using a different access controlled template. You can enable view/edit access through the access tab in the settings for each template individually ("Templates > yourTemplate > Access") if you need more control.

Since PAGEGRID uses pages for it's items, the term "page" also applies to PAGRGRID ITEMS.

The following permissions are relevant for PAGEGRID:

Name Description
page-view Which types of pages may this role view? This permission is also inherited to children and through the page tree, unless/until overridden by a page using a different access controlled template.
page-edit Which types of pages may this role edit? This permission is also inherited to children and through the page tree, unless/until overridden by a page using a different access controlled template. To enable editing of PAGEGRID items you have to give edit access to the template "pg_container".
page-add Which types of pages may this role add children to? Unlike most other permissions, page-edit permission to a template is not a pre-requisite for this permission.
page-create Which types of pages may this role create? Note that role must also have page-edit permission.
page-clone Clone a page (applies to all editable templates)
page-delete Delete pages (applies to all editable templates)
page-edit-front Use the front-end/inline page editor (Also make sure to select the editable fields in the PAGEGRID module settings)
page-lock Lock or unlock a page (applies to all editable templates)
page-move Move pages (change parent, applies to all editable templates)
page-sort Sort child pages (applies to all editable templates)
page-pagegrid-edit Edit PAGEGRID items in modal (applies to all editable templates)
pagegrid-add Use the sidebar to drag new items into the page (also needs pagegrid-drag permission to work)
pagegrid-drag Drag PAGEGRID items
pagegrid-resize Resize PAGEGRID items
pagegrid-process Allow PAGEGRID to process ajax calls
pagegrid-style-panel Enable styling of PAGEGRID items

More information

Permissions for access control in ProcessWire